Happy divers, happy staff

Today’s six divers were very happy with the free swimming Green Moray and with the Rays that passed by on the first dive. Especially with the big Southern Stingrays. The last one did not even bother to pass us, but settled on a tiny patch of sand in the coral. In a depth of about 30 feet the photographers had an ideal opportunity of shooting the sunbathing Stingray.

One of our divers today was focused on seeing Turtles. She did not care much about the other stuff, but after our first dive she was very happy, having seen three or four of her preferred species. “You ain’t seen nothing yet” I told her.

On the second dive it was my turn to play with the boat. Man, that thing drives fast on a quiet sea! In no time I got the divers to the Turtle City dive site. It was Hans’ turn now to make our divers happy. When they surfaced I saw he succeeded, especially with the Turtle lady. After this overdose of Green and Hawksbill Turtles, I guess that shining smile will still be on her face while I’m writing this blog.

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